Quest Podcast #3: Models and Data Collection – the methods, the tension, and the search for reality

QuestX is pleased to bring you our third podcast:
Models and data collection – the methods, the tension, and the search for reality: Wherein we discuss modeling and data collection approaches to doing research, what both achieve, and why understanding of both is necessary to producing meaningful research. If we can’t properly measure and model objective reality, is the research still meaningful? Yes. Find out why on the Quest podcast.
The voices:
Danaan DeNeve – Evolutionary ecologist, PhD candidate at UC Merced
Nate Fox – Paleontologist, PhD candidate at UC Merced
Taran Rallings – Paleo food web modeler, PhD student at UC Merced
Jonathan Anzules – Immunologist & immunological modeler, PhD student at UC Merced
We will update this blog post with some exciting accessory information very soon
Next up: Philosophy of Science pt. 1
The QuestX team
*Temporary theme music: Twilight Zone theme*

Water, water, everywhere…

Water, it’s everywhere we are.


Because *we* are ~65-70% water.

Everything on earth needs water to survive, clean/ healthy water.

Some things have interesting ways of obtaining it, but *everything* requires water.

And the earth itself needs water.

Water is kinda like the blood of the planet, it carries nutrients and waste products through the system and it ties the entire body of the earth together.

We’ll discuss loads more about water in other posts, but for *today*, plan something special… enjoy a glass of water and consider what would happen to our own health and that of the earth without clean/ healthy water.

…and here’s a link to the U.N. site for World Water Day… there is loads of info there and ideas for planning and/or participating in events!

Quest Podcast #2: Species are everywhere, but they don’t exist

QuestX is pleased to bring you our second podcast
Species are everywhere, but they don’t exist: Wherein we discuss different methods of defining species, the purpose of separating living things into categories, why it seems like species exist, and why, ultimately, they may not. If species don’t exactly exist, is the concept still meaningful? Yes. Find out why on the Quest podcast.
The voices:
Danaan DeNeve – Evolutionary ecologist, PhD candidate at UC Merced
Nate Fox – Paleontologist, PhD candidate at UC Merced
Taran Rallings – Paleo food web modeler, PhD student at UC Merced
We will update this blog post with some exciting accessory information very soon
Next up: Models and Data Collection: the methods, the tension, and the search for reality
The QuestX team
*Temporary theme music: Twilight Zone theme*